
Catch your BART train at the right time and place.

An iPhone app that will instantly show you real-time departures for your nearest BART station.

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Instant Station Departures

Live BART locates your nearest BART station instantly, and displays that station's real-time estimated departures.

For upcoming trains, it shows the following information:
Destination station, number of cars, minutes until departure, and route color.

Tap this icon to select other stations nearby.


Selecting Other Stations

If you want to see departures at other stations, you can quickly select a station by distance from you, or from an alphabetical list.

You can use this feature to plan any potential transfers at other stations and make sure you have enough time to transfer.

Select Icon

What Users Are Saying

Shreemita T - What I like best about this app is that I don't need to select a station. It gets the arrival times of the nearest station based on my location. Awesome!!!
Ivan R - Live BART is pivotal for those mornings when I’m a two minute walk away from the station. I open it up and I know exactly when my train will arrive!
Rick B
Rick B - Your app is exactly what I needed. Nice work!

Get it now for $1.99 FREE on the app store!

Get it now for $1.99 at the App Store!

Promotion! FREE Install until President's Day!
Regular price: $1.99